Thursday 5 July 2012



  • Smartness runs in my family. When I went to SCHOOL I was so smart my teacher was in my class for five years. ~
  • In grade school I was smart, but I didn't have any friends. In high school I quit being smart and started having friends. ~ 
  • EDUCATION aims to give you a boost up the ladder of knowledge. Too often, it just gives you a cramp on one of it's rungs. ~ 
  • HIGH SCHOOL: the mouse race to prepare you for the rat race. ~ 
  • I was always the guy getting kicked out of my classes at school for having an attitude problem. ~
  • I was always the kid in school who tried to get attention, not necessarily the class clown, but I'd so little unexpected performances. ~
  • True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the counrty. ~ 
  • Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the hightest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. It it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics. 
  • When I was in junior high school, the teachers cvoted me the most likely to end up in the electric chair. ~
  • Girls were always my biggest distraction in school. ~
  • The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a tesst, in life, you're given a test that teaches you about life. ~ 
  • A school without football is in danger of turning into a midieval study hall. ~
  • Show me a man who has enjoyed his SCHOOL DAYS and I'll show you a bully and a bore. ~ 
  • I wore goofy hats to school and did musical theater.  Most people thought I was a dork.  But if you have a sense of humor about it, nno one can  bring you down.  ~
  • Remember, I am the kind of kid who used to get stuffed into a locker by school bullies.  I've never felt like I'm a big star at any level of my life.  ~
  • Being a child at home alone in the summer is a high-risk occupation.  If you call your mother at work thirteen times an hour, she can hurt you.  ~ 
  • For some reason I did something where I realized I could get a reaction.  That was when I broke out of my shell at school, because I really didn't have any friends or anything like that and I just kind of got along and then finally I did this zany thing, and all of the sudden I had tons of friends.  ~
  • If the school sends children out with a desire for KNOWLEDGE and some idea how to acquire and use it, it will have done it's work.  ~
  • My school days were the happiest days of my life, which should give you some indication of the misery I've endured over the past twenty-five years.  ~
  • The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.  ~
  • We all learn by experience but some of us have to go to summer school.  ~  
  • Labor Day is a glorius holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day.  It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken.  ~  
  • When I was in high school, I earned the pimple and every other gross out award.  ~
  • You can get all A's and still flunk life.  ~
  • In the school I went to, they asked a kid to prove the law of gravity and he threw the teacher out of the window.  ~
  • I was always the guy getting kicked out of my class at school for having an attitude problem.  ~  
  • It's hard to convience a high school student that he will encounter a lot of problems more difficult than those of algebra and geometry.  ~  
  • There will always be someone picked on at school, and it's not going to go away.  ~
  • My mother never gave up on me.  I messed up in school so much they were sending me home, but my mother kept sending me back.  ~ 


School is a daily routine for us
In the morning, we're sure to make a fuss
Even when the sun is still not up,
Here we are, awake at 6am sharp

We feel that school is such a bore
We feel that school is such a chore
Parents say, “School’s great! Now, go!”
We say, “Well, what do you know?”

Late a minute and we have to run
Eyes half open, shoelaces undone
We reach school and we see our friends,
Immediately, the torture ends

We have a chat and go with the flow
Then the bell rings, it is time to go
We may at times find school stressful
To have some fun, we have to bend some rules

Talk back to teachers, and detention we serve
No doubt, it is sometimes what we deserve
Sometimes they are as cold as ice
And other times they're actually really nice

They teach us and give us a helping hand
They’re forever ready to listen and be a friend
They have built much confidence in us
Just not when they are being really harsh

Over the years of education,
Never have we had so much learning with action
Such as camps, experiments, concerts and activities
We’ve learnt so much and even saved the trees

A wise teacher once said aloud -
Success is failure turned inside out
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit

Some may see school as a torture chamber
Some cannot wait for the holidays in December
But it depends on how we look at school
Honestly, positively, school is cool!



The school reopened in June,

And we settled in our new desks and


Whenwe queued up in book depot,

And got our new books

and notes!

Whenwe wanted two Sundays and no Mondays, yet

managed to line up daily for the morning prayers.

We learnt writing with

slates and pencils, and

Progressed To fountain pens and ball pens and then Micro tips!

Whenwe began drawing with crayons and evolved to

Color pencils and finally sketch pens!

Whenwe started calculating

first with tables and then with

Clarke's tables and advanced to

Calculators and computers!

Whenwe chased one another in the

corridors in Intervals, and returned to the classrooms

Drenched in sweat!

Whenwe had lunch in classrooms, corridors,


under the trees and even in cycle sheds!

When all the colors in the world,

Decorated the campus on the Second Saturdays!

When a single P.T. period in the week's Time Table,

Was awaited more eagerly than the monsoons!

Whencricket was played with writing pads as bats,

And Neckties and socks rolled into balls!

Whenfew played

"kabadi" and "Kho-Kho" in scorching sun,

While others simply played

"book cricket" in the

Confines of classroom!

Of fights but no conspiracies,

Of Competitions but seldom jealousy!

Whenwe used to

watch Live Cricket telecast,

In the opposite house in Intervals and Lunch breaks!

Whenfew rushed at 5:00 to

"Conquer" window seats in our School bus!

Whilefew others had "Big Fun", "peppermint" ,

"kulfi", " milk ice !" and "sharbat !" at 4o Clock!

Gone are the days

Of Sports Day,

and the annual School Day ,

And the one-month long

preparations for them.

Gone are the days

Of the stressful Quarterly,

Half Yearly and Annual Exams, And the most

enjoyed holidays after them!

Gone are the days

Of tenth and twelfth standards, when

We Spent almost the whole year writing revision tests!

We learnt,

We enjoyed,

We played,

We won,

We lost,

We laughed,

We cried,

We fought,

We thought.

With so much fun in them, so many friends,

So much experience, all this and more!

Gone are the days

When we bunk classes & just sit in library ,

and we make close friend ship which might turn on some thing & something.

Gone are the days

When we used

to talk for hours with our friends!

Now we don't have time to say a `Hi'!

Gone are the days

When we played games on the road!

Now we

Code on the road with laptop!

Gone are the days

When we saw stars Shining at Night!

Now we see stars when our code doesn't Work!

Gone are the days

When we sat to chat with Friends on grounds!

Now we chat in chat rooms.....!

Gone are the days

Where we

studied just to pass!

Now we study to save our job!

Gone are the days

Where we had no money in our pockets and still fun filled on our hearts!!

Now we have the atm as well as credit card but with an empty heart!!

Gone are the days

Where we shouted on the road!

Now we don't shout even at home

Gone are the days

Where we got lectures from all!

Now we give lectures to all... ( like the one I'm doing now......!!! )

Gone are the days

But not the memories, which will be

Lingering in our hearts forever and ever and

Ever and ever and ever..

Gone are the Days.... But still there are lot more Days to come in our Life!!




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